MHS Dress Code & Cellphone Use Policies
Marietta High School (MHS) Dress Code
The MHS community believes in fostering a conducive environment for learning and respects each student's individuality. However, students must dress appropriately and respectfully, considering the educational setting, safety, and community standards. While MHS does not mandate a uniform dress code, the school administration has the authority to address any dress code violations on an individual basis considering the circumstances of each case.
Dress Code Guidelines
Shirts, Tops, and Dresses
- Chests, backs, and midriffs must be covered at all times. Transparent items do not constitute cover.
- Pajamas may not be worn to school unless permitted by the school principal for specific events or circumstances.
Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, and Dresses
- These items may be no shorter than mid-thigh length.
- No garments may have holes above the mid-thigh.
- Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. Outer garments are to be worn in a manner that covers up all undergarments. Transparent items do not constitute cover.
- All pants, skirts, and slacks must be worn at the waist.
- Sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building during the school day.
- Hats, hoods, or other headgear are prohibited indoors unless specified for specific events or circumstances.*
*Bona fide religious attire is permitted.
Violations and Consequences
The consequences for students not adhering to the MHS Dress Code are as follows per semester:
- First Offense: Parent/Guardian is called to bring appropriate clothing/shoes to student or change of clothes will be provided to student
- Second Offense: Parent/Guardian is called to bring appropriate clothing/shoes to student or change of clothes will be provided to student - notification letter is sent
- Third Offense: Parent/Guardian is called to bring appropriate clothing/shoes to student or change of clothes will be provided to student. Lunch Detention provided and entered in Aspen as a minor referral conduct violation - ISS warning communication sent to parents/guardians.
- Fourth Offense: Parent/Guardian is called to bring appropriate clothing/shoes to student or change of clothes will be provided to student. Student placed in ISS with a major referral. *
*Based on administrative discretion: When a parent/guardian is unavailable to bring student-appropriate clothing, the student may be placed in isolation for the remainder of the school day
Please note that the administration reserves the right to address all dress code violations on a case-by-case basis and deem other types of dress inappropriate, even if it is not explicitly described in this policy.
Marietta High School (MHS) Cellphone Policy
At Marietta High School, our primary focus is to protect instructional time and to utilize it to effectively enhance the learning experience. While we understand that students may opt to bring cellphones, electronic devices, or headphones to school, it's crucial that they comply with the following regulations:
- Cellphones, electronic devices, or headphones are not required at MHS. However, if students choose to bring them, they should not be seen, heard, or utilized in any instructional environment.
- Marietta City Schools nor Marietta High School are responsible for personal property, including cellphones and headphones.
Non-Permissible Use During School Hours (7:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.)
- Use of cellphones, electronic devices, or headphones in classrooms and during any state-mandated safety drill is strictly forbidden.
- Talking on cellphones is not allowed at any time during school hours.
- Use of FaceTime, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or any other video messaging app on any electronic device is prohibited.
- The use of cellphones, electronic devices, or headphones during instructional time is strictly forbidden.
2024–2025 MHS Cellphone Discipline Matrix
1 |
WARNING – Teacher Issues Student a Warning |
2 | WARNING – Teacher Issues Student a Warning and Contacts Parent |
3 |
2 CLASS PERIODS OF DETENTION – Teacher Initiates Major Referral: Inappropriate Use of Technology and Contacts Parent |
4 | 1 DAY OF ISS – Teacher Initiates Major Referral: Inappropriate Use of Technology and Contacts Parent |
5 | 3 DAYS OF ISS – Teacher Initiates Major Referral: Inappropriate Use of Technology and Contacts Parent |
6 | 5 DAYS OF ISS – Teacher Initiates Major Referral: Inappropriate Use of Technology and Contacts Parent |
*Due to being assigned ISS, the student will not be permitted to attend extra curricular activities and athletic events. |