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CRAAP- Website Credibility


Websites to Check for CRAAP

Use the CRAAP Test Worksheet to check these websites for credibility:

  • Bonsai Kitten: Dedicated to preserving the long lost art of body modification in house pets
  • SETI Institute: Heading up the search for extra-terrestrial life
  • APOP: Association for Pet Obesity Prevention
  • American Association of Candy Technologists: Dedicated to the advancement of the confectionery industry worldwide
  • ADS: The Association for Dressings and Sauces
  • All About Explorers: Everything you ever wanted to know about every explorer who ever lived... and more!
  • United States Association of Reptile Keepers: An education, conservation, and advocacy organization for herpetofauna
  • Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: Anti-crazy nonsense done in the name of religion
  • The Ova Prima Foundation: "Let us look not to primitive man's fears for inspiration. Let us look to our future, and to our beginning -- let us look to the egg."
  • Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division: Educating the public about the dangers of DHMO
  • The Museum of Jurassic Technology: An educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic
  • Driver's License Search: National Motor Vehicle License Lookup Service website - offering a free searchable database of over 210 million U.S. driver's license photos
  • The Flat Earth Society: "The Flat Earth Society mans the guns against oppression of thought and the Globularist lies of a new age. Standing with reason we offer a home to those wayward thinkers that march bravely on with REASON and TRUTH in recognizing the TRUE shape of the Earth - Flat. Come join us in our forums and get started learning about the greatest lie ever told."

CRAAP Test Worksheet

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CRAAP Website Credibility Checker Worksheet