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Graduation Requirements

Promotion Criteria

Students should work closely with their guidance counselor to ensure that all graduation requirements are being met.

Promotion shall be based upon credits accumulated as follows:

  • 5 units for promotion to 10th grade including 3 core academic units
  • 11 units for promotion to 11th grade including 7 core academic units
  • 17 units for promotion to 12th grade including 11 core academic units

Core academics are defined as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and/or World Language

Grade Point Averages and Ranking

Class ranking shall be determined by the cumulative grade point average of graduating seniors at the completion of four years of high school. The grade point average shall be determined by use of a four point system for grades earned: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.

Quality Points

1 extra quality point is added into the GPA for all AP, IB, and Dual Enrollment Core Courses.
A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=0.

0.5 extra quality point is added for honors and accelerated core courses.
A=4.5, B=3.5, C=2.5, D=1.5, F=0.

Additional Requirements

All students must take at least one year of Fine Arts,or one year of MYP Technology,in each of the 9th and 10th grades for International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. All students must take a Modern Language course in each of 9th and 10th grades for International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.

All students who entered ninth grade in and after the 2012-2013 school year, must take at least one semester (.5) of a course delivered in an online platform. Courses can be taken independently during non-school hours or during school hours on campus.

Courses successfully completed may not be repeated.

Students planning to enter or transfer to a University System of Georgia institution or other post-secondary institution must take a minimum of 2 units of the same modern language or Latin. Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE) institutions (Georgia System of Technical Colleges) do not require modern language or Latin for admissions.

CTAE Pathways – 3 units in an industry-validated pathway are required for any student planning to earn a Career Readiness Certificate endorsed by related industries.

Course of Study Overview

Curriculum Total Units Required Courses
English 4 Units 1 Unit American Lit, IB Lit, or IB Language and Lit

1 Unit of 9th Grade Lit

Math 4 Units

1 Unit Algebra I or Coordinate Algebra

1 Unit of Geometry

1 Unit of Algebra II or Advanced Algebra


4 Units

1 Unit Physics or Physical Science

1 Unit Biology

1 Unit Chemistry or Environmental Science

Social Studies

3 Units

1 Unit World History

1 Unit US History

0.5 Units Government or Citizenship

0.5 Units Economics

CTAE or Modern Language or Latin or Fine Arts

3 Units

This may be a combination of all areas

Health and Personal Fitness

1 Unit Combined (0.5 Units each)

This may be exempted after completing 3 years of ROTC

General Electives

4 Units



23 Units
